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COOPERATIVE U X MONEXT: a shared strategic vision of the development of payment technologies

“MONEXT allows us to remain competitive and stay in the game as it shares our strategic view of the development of payments and customer pathways.”
Emilie TISON, Financial Services Director at U and Managing Director of the UEP (U Payment Institution) at Coopérative U

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In our new podcast, find out Coopérative U’s secret that keeps it in the top three food retailers on the French market.

A strategic analysis of the post-pandemic development of payments and the customer experience with Julie Flanquart-Nivon, Communications & Marketing Officer at MONEXT and our guest Emilie TISON, Financial Services Director at U and Managing Director of the UEP (U Payment Institution) at Coopérative U.

If we look at its information system transformation plan, its development of e-commerce, its adoption of new technologies and the creation of new customer pathways, Coopérative U is constantly reinventing itself while staying true to its strong local ties.

Currently accounting for 10% of turnover, e-commerce is a real means of winning market shares. MONEXT supports the brand in this drive by working with its experts to define the best strategy and most relevant payment methods for customers.

Despite the rise in e-commerce, physical stores remain Coopérative U’s main development focus, accounting for 90% of turnover. However, its stores have been reinvented and fully integrate technological advances and new customer pathways.

In this episode of the MONEXT On Air podcast, find out how the COVID-19 crisis redefined the retail sector. From the boom in the click & collect drive thru solution to how major retailers have adapted, we explore long-term trends and temporary revolutions triggered by this unprecedented period.

In 2024:

  • What is the situation with the take-off of the click & collect drive thru observed during the pandemic?
  • Has it become a permanent feature in France? Are the French turning away from hyper/supermarkets? 
  • Are e-commerce and the drive thru the future of retail?

Emilie Tison answers all these questions, providing her expertise and insight into the developments and challenges the sector faces.


This way to find out more 👇:

 🎧 Audio podcast: here

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